
At the end of every yoga class, after Savasana, when you turn to your right side, I often say: “Love yourself, be compassionate with yourself on your journey and always remember to be grateful for the journey.”

The inspiration for this ending came from an article I read while standing in the supermarket check-out line.  I picked up Oprah’s magazine and was flipping through it.  The last page of the magazine was always an article titled “What I Know for Sure”.  

It was November 2012.  I remember being surprised that Oprah wrote that she never had time to feel delight.  I have always thought of Oprah as the woman who has everything; delight in her fantastic life being part of that everything. 

But then she wrote the line, “I was so busy climbing the mountain that I lost sight of being grateful for having a mountain to climb.” 

Oh, being grateful for that! It’s so easy to be grateful for the easy parts, but what about when life gets hard?

Often times life can feel like climbing a mountain with all the difficulties that implies.  But mountains offer vistas, have plateaus and around a bend, may offer an unexpected delight.  We just have to stop in the struggle of the climb occasionally to appreciate the beauty all around us and acknowledge the other climbers on the path. 

Ever since that day I have practiced being grateful for the things I have in my life, the good and the bad, the lessons as well as the blessings. 

Admittedly, some days I forget my gratitude practice, or, I get “too busy”.  But this simple act of appreciation has changed my life. 

Here is Oprah’s original article.  I hope it inspires you, too.