Poses to do if you don’t do Head Stand

I get it.  Not everyone wants to do Head Stands.  However, if you are taking classes with me, you may eventually learn to do them and it is possible that you could learn to love them as much as I do. But what do you do if you are in class and all of a sudden I say, “Ok, everybody, next we’re going to do Sirsasana.” What poses can you do if you don’t do Head Stand?

There are two factors here: One is that you don’t know how to do Head Stand, but you’d like to learn, the second is that you may have a neck issue or something else for which Head Stand is contra-indicated.

If you’v never done Head Stand, it would be helpful to take a more basic class where Head Stand is taught. In most of my intermediate classes, I am not “teaching” Head Stand. I assume that either you know how to do the pose, or you know the alternatives. In this blog post, I will show you the modifications.

If you can’t make my basics class you can try to learn Head Stand by watching this video. But please know that it is better to learn Head Stand in person.

Head Stand is not the first inversion taught to beginners.  That would be Shoulder Stand where you learn how to balance on the upper arms and shoulders, a much broader and stronger area of the body than the forearms.  Shoulder Stand is also where you learn to keep the body straight with your core engaged while you are upside down.  This is one of the main benefits of inversions.  But, Shoulder Stand is only learned after you become competent in the Standing Poses.

But here you are, in class and we are about to go into a five minute Head Stand.  What do you do?  (Other than leave the room for a few minutes, or check e-mail.  (This is one of the disadvantages of doing classes online, you have many excuses to not do the pose!)

Legs Up the Wall is not a viable option for Head Stand.  I know many of you may have learned that from other teachers.  But Head Stand is a strong and fiery posture whereas Legs Up the Wall Pose is a relaxing, cooling and quieting posture.  Legs Up the Wall Pose is a suitable alternative for Shoulder Stand.

Suitable alternatives for Head Stand:

Head Supported Prasarita Padottanasana

Head Supported Prasarita Padottanasana

Head Supported Uttanasana using Blocks

Head Supported Uttanasana using Blocks

Head Supported Uttanasana with a chair. This is good for back pain or for tight hamstrings.

Head Supported Uttanasana with a chair. This is good for back pain or for tight hamstrings.

Head Supported Downward Facing Dog

Head Supported Downward Facing Dog

Dolphin Prep for Head Stand

Dolphin Prep for Head Stand

And if you are not inverting at all, then lie over cross bolsters:

Head Stand modification: lying over a bolster and a block. Make sure that you feel equally balanced over the fulcrum of the block. You should feel balanced, like a seesaw.

Head Stand modification: lying over a bolster and a block. Make sure that you feel equally balanced over the fulcrum of the block. You should feel balanced, like a seesaw.