
Private yoga sessions are a good way to get some very individualized attention and take your understanding and practice to the next level. You can often learn something in one private session that might take you years to muddle through on your own. (That has happened to me!) It’s an opportunity to ask questions about your particular body and your poses without worrying that you are the only one who doesn’t understand or get something.Privates are often prohibitively expensive and not sustainable for the average yoga student. However, have you ever thought about sharing the cost of a yoga private with a friend or a small group of friends?Semi-privates are often a great way to dive into your most burning questions in a safe and non-threatening venue. If you split the cost of a private among 4 people, the cost ends up being only a few dollars more than a regular yoga class.I have some space in my schedule to book a few extra privates during the summer:

  • Monday and Friday mornings at 7:30 or Thursdays at 11:30 at the Solebury Club.

  • Tuesdays at 11:30 or 2:30 at Cornerstone in Doylestown.

  • Fridays at 11:00 (at Cornerstone, New Hope)

  • If an evening time works better for you, please e-mail for times. I currently have Tuesday and Wednesday evenings available. At my house.

For rates and to book a private email me here: