Why Go On A Yoga Retreat?

Everything we do, even the things we love doing, can get boring and mundane after a while.  Even our yoga practice.

Have you ever taken a cooking class to inject enthusiasm and new life into cooking dinner every night?  If you haven’t, you should try it!  I recently took an online class from King Arthur Flour on making quiche.  Now, I already make a pretty good quiche and my husband was worried that taking the class would mess it up.  But, it didn’t.  It gave me some tips and techniques for making a better pie crust.  I did it with a friend and it was fun! 

If you are a runner, one of the things that people do to keep it interesting and fun is to enter group running events.  These runs and races inspire you to train, get you out of your rut and provide opportunities to be in a different environment and meet other people who share your interests and passions.

The same thing happens for yogis on retreat.  Stepping out of your daily life and going on a retreat can infuse your practice with new enthusiasm.  It can be the pause that refreshes as you get to focus on one thing for a little while.  Our lives are filled with stressors and there is nothing we can do about that.  Those things will not go away, but stress can become a problem when there is no break from it.

During a retreat, you get to take a break from the daily stressors to give your body and mind a chance to recover.  

Join me in June for Tadasana on the Trail and you will have three days of yoga practice free from other distractions.  You will have some time to meditate in the mornings.  We will spend Saturday afternoon walking in nature where we can be at peace, experience quiet and feel serenity.   We will also have a restorative yoga session later on Saturday afternoon to relax and restore your body. On Sunday morning before sending you on your way back home,  we will end with a quiet stretching session before breakfast. 

By the time you leave, I hope you will feel refreshed by the time away and the company of like-minded people, perhaps you will have made a new friend or two and you will be ready to come back into your daily life equipped with some new techniques and maybe even some “aha” moments to keep you inspired in your practice in the days, weeks and months to come. 

Spring is already here, June is right around the corner!  The Early Bird Discount for Tadasana on the Trail expires on March 30th.  Take advantage of the savings and register now.  Details can be found here.