To learn the precise movements leading to the asana and to mold the body into the desired shape is only a superficial part of practice.
Sequencing - Order Matters
yoga sequencing workshop
Doing yoga and teaching yoga are very different activities, yet they are inextricably intertwined. The experiences we have on our yoga mats help us to refine our personal practice and provide insights into how we might share yoga with others. As a teacher, developing and maintaining your own practice helps inform your teaching. You experience first hand all the elements that contribute to how yoga enhances our lives. It is through the interrelation of these elements that we come to specific practices - sequences of actions - that have different effects on our bodies, minds and spirits depending on how it all flows together.
What are the elements of a complete practice? How are they best structured to make the practice the most accessible, sustainable and transforming? What are the best ways to begin a yoga practice session? What should each session include? What are the best ways to sequence different asanas, breathing practices and meditations? What are the relationships between asanas? How does one pose affect another? What is the effect of poses ordered in a particular way compared to the same poses ordered differently? What are the relationships within and between families of asanas - standing poses, core work, balancing poses, hip openers, back bends, twists, forward bends, inversions and restorative postures? What about pranayama (breath work) and meditation? Where do they fit in? What affects them and how do they affect what follows? ON what basis, other than habit, intuition and whim, should one determine the overall structure and sequence of a complete class? What about moving from one class the the next over the span of a week, month, year or lifetime? What are the best ways to design classes for a lifetime of yoga?
If you are a yoga teacher and you have asked yourself some of these questions, sign up for my course Sequencing - Order Matters. These are the topics we will explore in this two day workshop.