Arogya Yoga Chapter 21 – Baddha Konasana and Upavishta Konasana
Baddha Konasana
Upavishta Konasana
A BOON TO MANKIND – Is how the chapter starts!
In this chapter, Mr. Iyengar talks about the relationship between these two seated postures, Baddha Konasana and Upavishta Konasana, and cleanliness, or saucha which is the first niyama (rules of conduct)
He talks about bodily impulses such as the need to belch, pass gas, urinate, evacuate, ejaculate, sneeze, vomit, cough, yawn, shed tears, satisfy thirst or hunger pangs, sleep or pant after strenuous physical activity. These impulses should not be forcefully withheld, nor should they be willfully induced. A healthy diet, enough physical exercise and a proper sleep pattern are essential to ensure that these urges do not arise at inappropriate times.
He differentiates between these natural instincts or physical needs and mental impulses which spring from consciousness. These include desire, anger, greed, jealousy, hatred and malice. He states that these impulses must be restrained and channeled in the right direction at all times. If untamed, they cause mental disorders, ailments and needless agony. Desire is the root cause of these impulses.
Baddha Konasana and Upavishta Konasana are connected with the process of saucha. These two poses are extremely beneficial to the organs in the lower abdomen which are associated with elimination and reproduction. Both of these asanas are said to open up the lower pelvic area and bathe the organs in fresh blood by increasing blood flow to the area. This deep cleansing washes away the feeling of desire that roots itself in these organs and helps the mind achieve tranquility.
If you’d like to read the chapter, you can find it here.